
This biography was originally posted on the Uncrowned Community Builders website. Click here for original article. In 2003, Minister Ina Chapman was profiled for the book Uncrowned Queens: African American Women Community Builders of Western New York, Volume II. The book chronicles the lives of African American...

Please click here for original article. Substantial Renovations at 149-Unit McCarley Gardens Apartments Preserves Affordability, Improves Energy Efficiency and Safety for Low-Income Families Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the completion of a substantial rehabilitation at McCarley Gardens Apartments, an affordable housing development in East Buffalo. The renovation...

This story first appeared in MEA magazine By Sheila Durant What do you say about a man who means so much to so many people in such an extraordinary place and time?  Inextricably bound to his faith, no one can doubt that he has internalized his role...